martes, 28 de julio de 2009

Sayuri Gensai

鋼 Sayuri Gensai 鋼
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Element: Steel
D- Tector: Grey and Magenta.
Digimon forms: Maskmon (Evil), Windowmon (Evil), Jupitermon (Good), Reflectmon ( Good), AncientWisemon (Good) and Arrowmon (Good).

She’s another Digidestined. She’s an expert on the’’ Digicode language’’, she’s the only Digidestined who can read it. However, when the others fight against Maskmon or Windowmon she’s not there. In episode 5 , she realized she has a connection with Maskmon and Windowmon. In episode 22, after Koji , Takuya and Miranda defeated Maskmon, she takes of her mask and its revealed that Maskmon is Sayuri! After everyone knew her secret she run-away to her grandmother’s house and met Hopemon in a park, who teached her to be authentic and she won her D- Tector and her Spirits of Steel and she helped Takuya to escape Vampmon.

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