martes, 28 de julio de 2009

Sayuri Gensai

鋼 Sayuri Gensai 鋼
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Element: Steel
D- Tector: Grey and Magenta.
Digimon forms: Maskmon (Evil), Windowmon (Evil), Jupitermon (Good), Reflectmon ( Good), AncientWisemon (Good) and Arrowmon (Good).

She’s another Digidestined. She’s an expert on the’’ Digicode language’’, she’s the only Digidestined who can read it. However, when the others fight against Maskmon or Windowmon she’s not there. In episode 5 , she realized she has a connection with Maskmon and Windowmon. In episode 22, after Koji , Takuya and Miranda defeated Maskmon, she takes of her mask and its revealed that Maskmon is Sayuri! After everyone knew her secret she run-away to her grandmother’s house and met Hopemon in a park, who teached her to be authentic and she won her D- Tector and her Spirits of Steel and she helped Takuya to escape Vampmon.

Kouichi Kimura

闇 Kouichi Kimura 闇
Gender: Male.
Element: Darkness
D- Tector: Black and Grey.
Digimon forms: Loewemon, JägerLoewemon, Raihimon and AncientSphinxmon

He’s Koji’s twin brother. Their parents divorced when they were very young, so they hardly knew about each other. His mother never told him about his brother and worked long hours despite the fact that she was sick. Koichi learned about Koji when his grandmother told him on her deathbed. Koichi didn't tell his mother he knew because he felt she had enough to worry about. He’s in love with Alice, another Digidestined in this season.

J.P. Shibayama

雷 J.P. Shibayama 雷
Gender: Male.
Element: Thunder.
D-Tector: Blue and Yellow.
Digimon forms: Beetlemon, MetalKabuterimon, AncientBeetlemon and RhinoKabuterimon.

J.P. is the oldest member of the group. At the begining of season 1, he never had real friends, but at the end of the previous season, he made lots of friends. He’s a bit jealous of Takuya and he doesn’t crush on Zoe anymore. J.P can be a ‘’ trouble maker ‘’, but he’s a good friend.

Tommy Himi

氷 Tommy Himi 氷
Gender: Male
D- Tector: Light Blue and Green
Digimon forms: Kumamon, Korikakumon, AncientMegatheriummon and Daipenmon.

Tommy is the youngest member of the group.In season 1, Tommy looked like a coward, but at the end he learned to stand up fo himself, his more brave and self-reliant than in season 1. For him, Takuya is like his ‘’older brother’’. His best friend is Haru, a new Digidestined in season 2.
He has a crush on Sayuri, a Digidestined in this season and Tommy’s childhood friend.

Alice Kuypers

土 Alice Kuypers 土
Gender: Female.
Element: Earth.
D-Tector: Light green and green.
Digimon forms: Rosemon,Volcamon,Ancientvolcamon and Terrarosemon.

She was born in Brujas,Belguim. When she was 8, she moved to Japan, where she lives now. She loves ice-skating and she’s a profesional. She’s the most peaceful and calm of the group, she’s the most sensible and she doesn’t like fighthing.She’s in love with Koichi, Koji’s twin brother.

Haru Brailes

木 Haru Brailes 木
Gender: Male.
Element: Wood.
D- Tector: Light brown and brown.
Digimon Forms: Palmmon, Troiamon, AncientTroiamon and Terrapalmmon.

He’s a new digidestined. He’s Miranda’s younger brother. After his birth, their mother died and he lives with her older sister and his dad. As her sister he loves playing soccer with her, but he also plays baseball. He’s sometimes stubborn and thick-headed like Takuya, but his very smart and his a computer expert. His best friend is Tommy.

Miranda Brailes

水 Miranda Brailes 水
Gender: Female.
Element: Water.
D- Tector: Blue and turquoise.
Digimon Forms: Ranamon, Mermaimon, Amphibianmon, Aquodolphinmon and AncientMermaimon.

She is one of the new Digidestined in season 2 and the first one in this season to receive her human spirit. She is american, she was born in the USA and she’s half american and half japanese. Her mother died after her brother, Haru was born, now she lives with her dad and her brother.
Miranda is a very tomboyish girl , she loves playing soccer with her brother and she’s an expert in Karate. As her best friend, Koji, she is a mature girl, but she’s also gentle, kind , supportive and lonely. But it’s revealed in episode 3, that she’s very shy and she’s not confident. Her best friend is Zoe, they met in kindergarden. She is in love with Koji.

Koji Minamoto

光 Koji Minamoto 光
Element: Light.
D- Tector: Dark Blue and Black.
Digimon Forms: Lobomon, KendoGarurumon, Beowulfmon, MagnaGarurumon and AncientGarurumon.

Koji starts the series as the group loner , a kid who wanted friends, but never had the chance to make any because he had to change schools many times. His one of the most mature of the group (the other mature is Miranda).His best friend is Takuya and he is in love with Miranda, he realized they have something in common: loneliness.

Zoe Orimoto

風Zoe Orimoto 風
Age: 14.
Gender: Female.
Element: Wind.
D- Tector: Purple and Pink.
Digimon Forms: Kazemon, Zephyrmon, AncientKazemon and JetSilphymon.

Zoe was the only member of the group in season 1. She was born in Japan but moved to Italy at a young age. She recently moved back to Japan but had problems making friends due to the culture barrier and because of her attitude. Zoe knows many Italian words and uses Italian exclamations. Her best friend is Miranda, their friends since kindergarden. She is in love with Takuya.

Takuya Kanbara

火 Takuya Kanbara 火
Age: 14.
Gender: Male.
Element: Flame .
D-Tector: Red and Black.
Digimon forms: Agunimon , BurningGreymon, Aldamon, EmperorGreymon and AncientGreymon

Takuya is Energetic and athletic, but tending to act without thinking and very stubborn. He has a strong sense of justice, and tries to use his power to do what he believes is right. His hot-headed personality often leads to him arguing with Koji Minamoto, another of Digimon Frontier's main characters. He is more mature than in Season 1. His best friend is Koji. He is in love with Zoe.